Objective six:

Staff - supporting the mental health and wellbeing needs of staff

Ensure the mental health and wellbeing needs of all categories of staff are proactively recognised and addressed, for the mutual benefit of our staff and students

This objective will aim to promote good mental health and wellbeing for all our staff and provide training and support at their time of need, irrespective of where they are based. Taking this approach will help create a positive working environment that will promote active staff engagement, help to enhance performance, and in turn, contribute towards maximising the student experience.

More details of this objective can be found in the Student and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy (pdf 475kb).

In summary:​​

This objective will: And be measured through:

1. Work with our trade unions and external providers to support staff with their mental health and wellbeing.

Uptake by staff of additional support services provided by the unions and external providers.

2. Promote, monitor and review levels of engagement with online and face-to-face training to help maintain a good understanding of mental health and wellbeing matters.

Staff demographics and engagement rates with training courses on mental health and wellbeing.

3. Develop a long-term mental health and wellbeing communications campaign that empowers and motivates staff to engage with this topic.

Staff engagement levels with the mental health and wellbeing communication campaign.

4. Inform the institutional review around staff workload allocation and management in the context of mental health and wellbeing.

Workload allocation review completed.

5. Ensure managers are appropriately trained regarding mental health support for staff.

Staff satisfaction levels in handling mental health issues.

6. Review the uptake of university policies that contribute to positive wellbeing.

Review of policy content and use completed and recommendations made to reduce days lost through stress.  

7. Implement an equality impact analysis that considers mental health and wellbeing issues for students and staff.

Equality impact analysis developed and implemented.

8. Work with the OU Club to promote physical and social wellbeing that supports a diverse and inclusive community for staff.

Number and diversity of staff participating in wellbeing activities.