New OpenLearn course: Understanding musical scores

oufl_20_course_page_banner_image_606x125Music is delighted to announce the launch of a new OpenLearn course: Understanding musical scores. This free course explores how music is written down, what a musical score is, and what it does. It considers how musicians use and interpret music notation in their work. And it also helps you make connections between the notation you see and the music you hear, whether short, familiar melodies or pieces for full orchestra. The course is intended for anyone with an interest in music; you do not need to be able to read notation or play an instrument to be able to take it.

The same course is offered in an expanded form on the FutureLearn platform as From notation to performance: Understanding musical scores. The FutureLearn version, also free of charge, is facilitated by OU Associate Lecturer Emily Chambers and gives students an opportunity to interact with an online community of students. It is next scheduled to run beginning 6 February 2017. The OpenLearn version of the course is available year round.

About Byron Dueck

Byron Dueck is Senior Lecturer in Ethnomusicology and Head of Music at the Open University.
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