History of Philosophy Research Group seminar: Wednesday 6 April

Professor Thomas Uebel of the University of Manchester will present a Philosophy Department Research Seminar, at the Walton Hall campus, Wilson A, Meeting Room 05, from 2pm – 4pm on April 6.

Schlick and Wittgenstein: The Theory of ‘Konstatierungen’ Revisited

Abstract: Viewed from the perspective of the epistemology of science, Schlick’s theory of affirmations (‘Konstatierungen’) was a failure. Schlick meant affirmations to be observation statements that were not identical with the protocol statements recordable by scientists in the course of their work yet in some sense grounded our knowledge of the world. Interpreters either rejected the theory wholesale or saved only part of it for the price of discarding some other property that affirmations supposedly possessed. The present paper investigates whether it is possible to provide a more favourable interpretation of Schlick’s theory of affirmations by relating them more closely to the views and ideas of the ‘middle’ Wittgenstein, namely. In particular, it may be regarded as an attempt to improve his much earlier response to the challenge of skepticism by means which his familiarity with Wittgenstein’s unpublished writings made available to him.

All welcome. This event is hosted by the History of Philosophy Research Group. For information, contact: Cristina Chimisso

