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Find out what happiness is and how to pursue it from the 'Very Short Introductions' ebook series

[[[image-0 medium right]]]What is happiness and how can and should we pursue it?  You can find out the answer by exploring ‘Happiness’, just one of the ebooks in the ‘Very Short Introductions’  (VSI's) series from Oxford University Press.

Have you always wanted to find out more about the evolution of our solar system, or what constitutes a planet?

What causes autism? Is it a genetic disorder, or due to some unknown environmental hazard?

As a registered OU student you have full access to hundreds of VSI's on dozens of subjects in this searchable collection of peer-reviewed ebooks, introducing you to topics from arts and humanities, law, medicine and health, through to science, mathematics and social sciences.

"'Very short introductions' are quite useful ways of getting quick background on particular subjects and they are all available through the library as e-books"  (John Colston, OU Student)