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Dr Evangelia Baralou

Profile summary

Professional biography

Evangelia is Senior Lecturer in Organization Studies. She joined The Open University Business School in 2015 following posts at Strathclyde and Stirling Business Schools. Within the school, she is involved in Investigating entrepreneurial opportunities (B322) and Managing 1: organisations and people (B628). Evangelia’s research focuses on virtual teams and alternative forms of ICT-mediated workspaces, as well as the gamification of organizational processes. As a SAMS-funded PhD student, she researched the creation of organizational knowledge in virtual teams.

She has published in scholarly journals and books with a number of international co-authors on creation of organizational knowledge in virtual teams, relational emotions in teleworking and differentiating social identity development in organizational and pro-am virtual teams.  

Research interests

Evangelia’s broad research interests focus on how technologies mediate human interactions. More specifically she studies serious games and how the gamification process of organizational processes can enhance organizational learning and innovation. Her research draws on activity theory and critical realism as a broader philosophy. She also has a theoretical interest in the study of organizational routines in ICT-mediated interorganizational teams. Publications include:

1. Baralou, E. and Tsoukas, H. (2015) ‘How is new organizational knowledge created in a virtual context? A dialogical approach’, Organization Studies, 36(5), 593-620.

2. Baralou, E. and McInnes, P. (2013) ‘Relational Emotions in Teleworking: Speech genres and the co-construction of fluid space and stable identities’, New Technology, Work and Employment, 28(2), 160-175.

3. Baralou, E. Wolf, P. Meissner, J. O. (2012) 'Bright, Excellent, Ignored: The Contribution of Luhmann’s System Theory and Its Problem of Non-Connectivity to Academic Management Research', Historical Social Research, Historische Sozial forschung, No. 142, HSR Vol. 37 (2012), 4.

4. Vardaxoglou, G. and Baralou, E. (2012) 'Developing a Platform for Serious Gaming: Open Innovation through Closed Innovation', In proceeding of 4th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications(VS-GAMES’12), Procedia Computer Science, p 111-121.

5. Patricia Wolf, Jens O. Meissner, Terry Nolan, Mark Lemon, René John, Evangelia Baralou & Silke Seemann (Eds.) (2011) 'Methods for Qualitative Management Research in the Context of Social Systems Thinking.' Qualitative Methoden zur Managementforschung in sozialen Systemen, Historical Social Research, Historische Sozial forschung, No. 135, HSR Vol. 36 (2011), 1, Special Issue.

6. Baralou, E. (2011) 'Knowledge Management during the period of the financial crisis.' In O. Epitropaki, K. Kyriakopoulos and S. Zarkos (Eds.), Management during periods of crisis: 149-158. Athens: Kastaniotis Press.

7. Hallier, J. and Baralou, E. (2010) ‘Other Voices, Other Rooms: Differentiating Social Identity Development In Organizational And ProAm Virtual Teams’, New Technology, Work and Employment, 25(2), 154-166.

8. Patricia Wolf, Jens O. Meissner, Terry Nolan, Mark Lemon, Ren John, Evangelia Baralou & Silke Seemann (2010) 'Methods for Qualitative Management Research in the Context of Social Systems Thinking', FQS, 11(3).

9. Baralou Evangelia, (2009) 'How is organizational knowledge created in virtual teams', LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG

10. Baralou, E. and Shepherd, J. (2007) ‘Going Virtual’ in Pagani, M. (2nd edition) ‘Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking’, Idea Publishing.

11. Panteli, N., Cochliou, D. and Baralou, E. (2006) ‘Career Issues for Women Returners in the UK IT industry’ in Trauth, E. (eds.) ‘Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology’, Idea Group Reference.

12. Baralou, E. and Shepherd, J. (2005) ‘Going Virtual’ in Pagani, M. (eds.) ‘Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking’, Idea Publishing.

13. Baralou, E. and Kinti, I. (2003) ‘Knowledge Creation in IT Development Teams: Exploring How the Communication Medium Matters’, The International Journal of Learning, 10.

Teaching interests

Evangelia has a long experience in teaching onground and online classes at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive level. She has taught a number of topics, including Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Leading and Managing Change, Organizational Learning and Development, International Business.    


Routine dynamics in virtual teams: the role of technological artifacts (2021)
Baralou, Evangelia and Dionysiou, Dionysios D.
Information Technology & People, 35(7)

How is New Organizational Knowledge Created in a Virtual Context? An Ethnographic Study (2015-05-01)
Baralou, Evangelia and Tsoukas, Haridimos
Organization Studies, 36(5) (pp. 593-620)

GoFit Erasmus project: a transdisciplinary approach for exercise, health and tourism (2020-02-12)
Baralou, Evangelia; Daskalaki, Katerina; Georgiadis, Emmanouil; Katsoni, Vicky; Malliou, Panagiota and Panagiotou, George
In : Sixth International IACuDiT Conference, Athens 2019 (12-15 Jun 2019, Athens, Greece) (pp. 281-289)