Multidisciplinary Investigation of System using Sintering Instrumentation Of the Next generation

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  • Cole, J., Lim, S., Sargeant, H., Sheridan, S., Anand, M., Morse, A., (2023), "Water extraction from icy lunar simulants using low power microwave heating", Acta Astronautica, Vol 209, pp. 95-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaasdtro.2023.04.035.
  • Lim, S., Degli-Alessandrini, G., Bowen, J., Anand, M., Cowley, A., (2023), "The microstructure and mechanical properties of microwave-heated lunar samples at different input powers under vacuum", Nature Scientific Reports, Vol 13, Issue 1, article no: 1804. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-29030-z.
  • Lim, S., Reeve, S., Lekuona, E., Garbayo, A., Le Toux, T., Morse, A., Bowen, J., Anand, M., (2022), "Challenges in the microwave heating behaviour of lunar regolith – analysis through the design of a Microwave Heating Demonstrator (MHD) payload", Advances in Space Research, Vol 69, Issue 1, pp.751-760. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2021.10.038.
  • Spedding, C., Lim, S., Nuttall, W.J., (2021), “ISRU technology deployment at a lunar outpost in 2040: a Delphi survey”, Acta Astronautica, Vol 181, pp. 316-324. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2021.01.009
  • Lim, S., Bowen, J., Degli-Alessandrini, G., Anand, M., Cowley, A., LevinPrabhu, V., (2021), “Investigating the microwave heating behaviour of lunar soil simulant JSC-1A at different input powers”, Nature Scientific Report, Vol 11, Issue 1, article no: 2133. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81691-w
  • Spedding, C., Nuttall, W., Lim, S., (2020), "Energy requirements of a thermally processed ISRU radiation shield for a lunar habitat", Advances in Space Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2020.03.015 
  • Lim, S., Anand, M., (2019), “Numerical modelling of the microwave heating behaviour of lunar regolith”, Special Issue on Space Resources, Journal of Planetary and Space Science, Vol 179. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pss.2019.104723
  • Lim, S., Levin Prabhu, V., Anand, M., Taylor, L., (2017), “Extra-terrestrial construction processes - advancements, opportunities and challenges”, Advances in Space Research Journal, Vol 60, Issue 7, pp. 1413-1429. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2017.06.038 Corrigendum: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2018.03.022
  • Srivastava, V., Lim, S., Anand, M., (2016), “Microwave processing of lunar soil for supporting longer-term surface exploration on the Moon”, Special Issues, Space Policy Journal, Vol 37, Issue 2, pp. 92-96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.spacepol.2016.07.005
  • Lim, S., Buswell, R.A., Valentine, P.J., Piker, D., Austin, S.A., De Kestelier, X., (2016), “Modelling curved-layered printing paths for fabricating large-scale construction components”, Journal of Additive Manufacturing, Special Issues: Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 12, Part B, pp. 216-230. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2016.06.004
  • Le, T.T., Austin, S.A., Lim, S., Buswell, R.A., Law, R., Gibb, A.G.F. and Thorpe, A., (2012), “Hardened properties of high-performance printing concrete", Cement and Concrete Research Journal, Vol. 42, Issue 3, pp 558-566. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres.2011.12.003
  • Le, T.T., Austin, S.A., Lim, S., Buswell, R.A., Gibb, A.G.F. and Thorpe, A., (2012), “Mixed design and fresh properties for high-performance printing concrete”, RILEM Materials & Structures Journal, Vol. 45, Issue 8, pp 1221-1232. http://dx.doi.org/10.1617/s11527-012-9828-z
  • Lim, S., Buswell, R.A., Le, T.T., Austin, S.A., Gibb, A.G.F. and Thorpe, A., (2012), “Development in construction-scale additive manufacturing processes”, Automation in Construction, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp.262-268. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2011.06.010

Conferences / Workshops / Posters

  • Cole, J.D., Lim, S., Sargeant, H.M., Sheridan, S., Anand, M., Morse, A., (2023), Water extraction from icy lunar simulants using low power microwave heating, Space Resources Week 2023, Luxemburg, 19-21 April. 
  • Lim, S., Degli-Alessandrini, G., Cole, J., Bowen, J., Morse, A., Anand, M., Cowley, A., (2022), Micro-textures and strengths of microwave heated lunar simulant JSC-1A and OPRH3N under vacuum conditions, European Lunar Symposium (ELS 2022) (online), 24-26 May.
  • Cole, J., Lim, S., Sheridan, S., Sargeant, H., Anand, M., Morse, A., (2022), Optimal heating time for water extraction from icy lunar simulants using low power microwave heating, European Lunar Symposium (ELS 2022) (online), 24-26 May.
  • Lim, S., Reeve, S., Morse, A., Le Toux, T., Bowen, Garbayo, A., J., Anand, M., Cowley, A., (2022), Microwave Heating Demonstrator (MHD) payload – Design Progress, Space Resources Week, Luxemburg, 3-5 May.
  • Morse, A., Lim, S., Cole, J., Anand, M., (2022), Chemical extraction of oxygen from lunar simulants using microwaves, Space Resources Week, Luxemburg, 3-5 May.
  • ​Lim, S., Reeve, S., Lekuona, E., Le Toux, T., Garbayo, A., Morse, A., Bowen, J., Mayock, J., Anand, M., (2021), Microwave Heating Demonstrator (MHD) payload – for lunar construction and resource extraction, NASA Exploration Science Forum & European Lunar Symposium (NESF & ELS 2021) (online), 20-23 July.
  • Lim, S., Garbayo, A., Reeve, S., Lekuona, E., Morse, A., Le Toux, T., Bowen, J., Anand, M., (2021), Microwave Heating Demonstrator (MHD) payload - for fabricating construction components and extracting resources, Space Resources Week, Luxemburg (online), 19-22 April.
  • Lim, S., Reeve, S., Morse, A.D., Garbayo, A., Bowen, J., Anand, M., (2020), A microwave heating demonstrator (MHD) payload concept for lunar construction and volatiles extraction, European Luar Symposium (ELS2020), Padua, Italy, 12-14 May. 
  • Lim, S., Bowen, J. Anand, M., Degli-Alessandrini, G., LevinPrabhu, V., Morse, A.D., Cowley, A., (2020), Investigation of micro-textures and strengths of microwave heated samples of lunar simulants JSC-1A under different input powers", European Luar Symposium (ELS2020), Padua, Italy, 12-14, May. 
  • Lim, S., Morse, A.D., Bowen, J., LevinPrabhu, V., Anand, M., Holland, A., (2019), In-Situ Resource Utilisation derived extra-terrestrial construction process - Microwave heating-based 3D Printing, Space Resource Workshop, LuxExpo, Luxembourg, 10-11 October.
  • Lim, S., Morse, A.D., Anand, M., Holland, A., (2019), Understanding of microwave heating behaviour of lunar regolith and simulant, #5047, Lunar ISRU 2019, Columbia Maryland, 15-17 July. 
  • Morse, A.D., Abernethy, F., Barber, S.J., Lim, S., Sargeant, H., Sheridan, S., Wright, I.P., (2019), Mass Spectrometers for In-Situ Resource Utilisation, #5026, Lunar ISRU 2019, Columbia Maryland, 15-17 July.
  • Lim, S., Morse, A.D., Jiang, Y., Anand, M., Bowen, J., Holland, A., (2019), Microwave heating experiment of lunar simulant (JSC-1A) using a bespoke industrial microwave apparatus, European Lunar Symposium (ELS2019), Manchester, UK, 21-23 May. 
  • Sawaryn, S.J., Bustin, P., Cain, M., Crawford, I., Lim, S., Linossier, A., Smith, D., (2018), Lunar Drilling - Challenges and Opportunities, SPE191624, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA, 24-26 September.
  • Lim, S., Levin Prabhu, V., Anand, M., Bowen, J., Morse, A., Holland, A., (2018), Numerical modelling of microwave sintering of lunar simulants under near lunar atmospheric condition, European Lunar Symposium (ELS2018), Toulouse, France, 13-16 May. 
  • Levin Prabhu, V.,​ Lim, S., Bowen, J., Cowley, A., Katrib, J., Dodds, C., Anand, M., (2018), Microwave heating of lunar simulants JSC-1A and NU-LHT-3M: Experimental and theoretical analysis, European Lunar Symposium (ELS2018), Toulouse, France, 13-16 May.
  • Lim, S., Levin Prabhu, V.,​ Anand, M., Bowen, J., Morse, A., Holland, A., (2017), "Microwave sintering test on the Moon surface", Research Opportunities on the Deep Space Gateway, ESA Workshop, ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, 5-6 December.
  • Mueller, R., Howe, S., Kochmann, D., Ali, H., Andersen, C., Burgoyne, H., Chambers, W., Clinton, R., De Kestellier, X., Ebelt, K., Gerner, S., Hofmann, D., Hogstrom, K., Ilves, E., Jerves, A., Keenan, R., Keravala, J., Khoshnevis, B., Lim, S., Metzger, P., Meza, L., Nakamura, T., Nelson, A., Partridge, H., Pettit, D., Pyle, R., Reiners, E., Shapiro, A., Singer, R., Tan, W.L., Vazquez, N., Wilcox, B., Wilkinson, S., Zelhofer, A., (2016), “Automated Additive Construction (AAC) for Earth and Space Using In-situ Resources”, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2016), Orlando, Florida, USA, Reston, Virginia, USA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 11-15 April.
  • Srivastava, V., Lim, S. and Anand, M., (2016), “Microwave processing of lunar soil for supporting longer-term exploration missions on the Moon”, Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) Special Discussion Meeting, London, UK, 8 April.
  • Lim, S., et al., (2015), "3D Printing on the Moon: Challenges and Opportunities", International Symposium on Moon 2020 – 2030, A New Era of Coordinated Human and Robotic Exploration, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 14-16 December.
  • Lim, S., Anand, M., (2015), “In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) derived extra-terrestrial construction processes using sintering-based additive manufacturing techniques – focusing on a lunar surface environment”, European Lunar Symposium (ELS2015), Frascati, Italy, 13-14 May.
  • Lim, S., Anand, M., Rousek, T., (2015), “Estimation of Energy and Material Use of Sintering-Based Construction for a Lunar Outpost — With the Example of SinterHab Module Design”, Session 817, 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), Woodlands, Texas, 16-20 March.
  • Anand, M., Lim, S., (2014), “Water in and on the Moon: Recent discoveries and future prospects”, EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC), Vienna, 23-25 July.
  • Lim, S., (2014), “Space Architecture technology for settlement and exploration on other planetary bodies – In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) based structures on the Moon”, EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC), Vienna, Austria, 23-25 July.
  • Lim, S., Anand, M., (2014), “Space Architecture for exploration and settlement on other planetary bodies – In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) based structures on the Moon”, European Lunar Symposium (ELS2014), London, 15-16 May, pp. 68-69. 
  • Lim, S., Buswell, R.A., Le, T.T., Wackrow, R., Austin, S.A., Gibb, A.G.F. and Thorpe, A., (2011), “Development of a viable Concrete Printing process”, The 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2011), 29 June – 2 July.
  • Le, T.T., Austin, S.A., Lim, S., Buswell, R.A., Gibb, A.G.F. and Thorpe, A., (2011), “High-performance printing concrete for freeform building components”, fib Symposium Prague 2011, Concrete engineering for excellence and efficiency, 8-10 June.
  • Lim, S., Le, T., Webster, J., Buswell, R., Austin, A., Gibb, A., Thorpe, T., (2009), "Fabricating construction components using layered manufacturing technology", Global Innovation in Construction Conference 2009 (GICC’09), Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK, 13-16 September.

Books / Articles

Contact us

Dr Sungwoo Lim
Senior Research Fellow in Space Instrumentation
Tel: 01908 332126
Email: Sungwoo Lim

Dr Mahesh Anand
Professor in Planetary Science and Exploration
Tel: 01908 858551
Email: Mahesh Anand

School of Physical Sciences
The Open University
Milton Keynes