Credit transfer

Use your previous HE study to help you gain an OU qualification

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Study more than 16 years old

The OU does not consider study completed more than 16 years ago for credit transfer towards an Open University qualification.

Students who complete their whole qualification by studying with the OU can count credit that is a maximum of 16 years old at the point they complete their qualification. We want students transferring credit from outside the OU to also be able to use credit that is up to 16 years old at the point they transferred their studies to us.

The University wants to strike the right balance between promoting life-long learning and ensuring the currency of its qualifications. This policy brings us more closely into line with other institutions, which tend to have more restrictive policies. It is common for other universities only to offer credit transfer for study completed in the last five years. We hope that even though you are not eligible for credit transfer you will still consider studying with us.

Find out more about studying with the OU.

Already studied?

 If you have already studied with the OU please sign in to make sure that you get the credit transfer information that is relevant to you. 

Contact us

If you have any queries about applying for credit transfer please feel free to contact us using the link below.

Please try to include:

  • which qualification you completed
  • the organisation you completed it through
  • when you completed it
  • which OU qualification you would like to transfer to

Contact us about credit transfer.

If you have general questions about the University feel free to contact us.

More information about The Open University.