Research areasExplore our research areas: research priorities, the research environment, and facilities available.
Degrees we offerLearn about the types of research degree available (including PhD and Professional Doctorates) and the options around full- and part-time study.
Fees and studentshipsFind out about the costs involved in doing a research degree as well as sources of funding and support, including the Doctoral Training Partnerships.
Application processWe walk you through how to make your application for different kinds of degree and additional requirements for Doctoral Training Partnership and International student applications.
Being an OU research studentOur students enjoy high-quality academic and pastoral support, as well as access to excellent research facilities and an interdisciplinary research environment.
Student views"I love being a PhD student, being around people who love to learn: it's a fantastic community to be part of." Discover more of our students’ views.
Authentic, interdisciplinary, inspiring: postgraduate research students talk about why they joined the OU’s ‘lovely research community'.