Leeds University 11th September 2019

The FutureLearn event on the 11th September 2019 was held at Leeds University. The agenda and abstracts for this event can be found here: Agenda and Abstracts Leeds 2019

Recordings of the presentations can be found here: Titles and recordings – Leeds 2019

The presentations can be found below:

Morris: Keynote – Exploring the changing nature of higher education: impacts on learners and learning

Pickering & Swinnerton: Medical Student Engagement with Technology-Enhanced Learning Resources

Kilmister: Proposing an expansion of FutureLearn metrics for the prediction of student engagement

Goshtasbpour: Do watercooler conversations with instructors in FutureLearn MOOCs help learning?

Unfortunately Jonathan Pitches presentation was too large to be uploaded onto this blog. The recording of the presentation is available above.