Ian Short


Category: Uncategorized

Good Energy

Just switched energy supplier to Good Energy at long last. They are one of the most environmentally sound energy suppliers in the UK at the moment.

Christmas junk

George Monbiot’s article on trashing the planet for Christmas: Christmas junk

Greg Rutherford victory parade

Greg Rutherford, the Olympic gold medalist in long jump, had a victory parade in Woburn Sands yesterday afternoon (he lives here, on our street). He travelled in an open top bus from Frost’s Garden Centre to Mowbray Green and back again. On top of the bus was Greg, some photographers, the mayor, and a few […]

Tesco in Woburn Sands

Since January I’ve lived in Woburn Sands, on the outskirts of Milton Keynes, on the boundary of Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire. An empty shop on the high street – previously a restaurant with the terrible name ‘Woburn Zens’ – has received the attention of Tesco, who have submitted a planning application to install one of their […]


Isabel encountered her first butterfly today, a brimstone, round the corner from our house. It wasn’t the first butterfly of the year for me – I saw a small tortoiseshell two weeks earlier.

Isabel West

Ellie’s and my daughter Isabel was born at 10.24 on Wednesday 29 February. Her birth weight was 3.14kg. She is now six days old, and asleep in a basket in our front room.

A night in Jo’burg

A typical night in Johannesburg? G and I were driving back from a music club in Jo’burg at 1am when we came across a woman who had driven into, and felled, some traffic lights. We pulled up alongside her and asked whether she was okay. She said no, and then pulled away. She didn’t get […]

Snow arch

Yesterday it snowed and I made an arch from the snow. Some local kids helped for a while, before attacking me with snowballs. Later on that evening, after a long patient wait with Ellie’s camera, I caught the perfect shot. A unique moment. The following day some more local kids – possibly the same ones […]