Ian Short


Category: Environment


Ecosia is a search engine that donates 80% of the advertising revenue it makes to the WWF. The money goes towards rainforest preservation. The search engine is powered by Yahoo! and bing, and it joins a number of emerging search engines with an environemtnal bias. Ecosia claim that their servers are powered by energy sources with […]

The Wave

The Wave was an event organised by the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition in London on 5 December 2009. The Stop Climate Chaos coalition comprises the WWF, the RSPB, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Oxfam, and many other charitable bodies. The Wave was held before the environmental summit in Copenhagen. Approximately fifty thoursand people attended the […]

Fish in danger

Before eating fish, check out the guidelines laid out by the Marine Conservation Society. Only buy and eat fish that are MCS approved. (That includes cat and dog food. I was annoyed to notice the other day that I had been buying cat food containing fish. They’ll be getting rabbit and chicken from now on, […]