Ian Short


Month: January, 2017

Blooming bitterns

Today we went searching for bitterns. We persuaded the girls to go along with this by telling them about the booming noise that bitterns make during mating season – booming bitterns. J understood this as blooming bitterns. Our first stop was Foxcote reservoir near Buckingham. No luck there – it was far too misty. However, […]

Buying fish

Eating fish is rather fashionable these days. I don’t fully understand why this is so, but it’s probably largely due to the well-known nutritional benefits of fish (omega-3 fatty acids and so on). What you should remember when consuming fish, though, is that you are eating a wild animal (or a farmed animal fed on […]

Climate change – an opportunity for weapons manufacturers

I’ve recently been reading This changes everything by Naomi Klein.  Early on the author refers to a statement by the weapons manufacturer Raytheon, which caught my attention. Expanded business opportunities are likely to arise as consumer behaviour and needs change in response to climate change. These opportunities include demand for its [Raytheon’s] military products and […]