Category: Our practice

  • Scaffolding learning: What does it mean for students?

    Scaffolding learning: What does it mean for students?

    Clare Hill and Paul Astles  ~ Learning Designers   When you scaffold your learning materials, you build students’ understanding and ability gradually and in a planned way by adjusting the amount of support offered. Researchers have described scaffolding as ‘support from experts enabling learners to accomplish what is beyond their current ability’ (Wood et al. […]

  • Fabulous formative failure

    Fabulous formative failure

    Michael Collins  ~ Senior Learning Designer Last July I had the privilege of attending the Playful Learning 2023 conference for the second time, once more bearing a bulging bag of microphones and a question. Previously Dr Mark Childs and I asked attendees about their favourite games, what they loved about them – and how that […]

  • Evolving design: shaping our work around a service-led model

    Evolving design: shaping our work around a service-led model

    Gerald Evans ~ Head of Learning Design Since 2020 our experiences as a Learning Design (LD) team have been heavily influenced by much of our work moving online. The pandemic led to us resetting how we operated and in particular required us to find effective online mechanisms for running collaborative sessions while continuing to have […]

  • Going for Green: Learning Design sustainability champions

    Going for Green: Learning Design sustainability champions

    Kathleen Calder, James Openshaw, Catriona Mattews, Hayley Johns, and Paul Astles  ~ Learning Designers The Learning Design Sustainability Group at The Open University has been championing sustainability at the Open University in one way or another for some time now. The end of 2023 saw a wonderful celebration of that work at the Green Gown […]