EAUC Conference 2024: Reflecting and connecting with sustainability.

Catriona Matthews and Paul Astles  ~ Learning Designers

From the 25th to 27th June 2024 we travelled to the University of Winchester for The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education (EAUC) conference and its 20th birthday celebrations. As well as the usual conference fare, we faced moral quandaries in an SDG focused game where we had to take on the role of global powers and negotiate to narrow down the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to just 6, we bopped to a silent disco, sipped on coffee from cups made of recycled chewing gum, and enjoyed some fantastic vegan cookies courtesy of the conference’s plant based catering approach. Continue reading “EAUC Conference 2024: Reflecting and connecting with sustainability.”

Reflections on ALT conference 2023: Supporting colleagues to take practical actions to embed sustainability

Hayley Johns and Paul Astles ~ Learning Designers


This blog post builds on our previous sustainability related post. You can read that here. If you have not had a chance to read it yet, do go back and check it out.

The work presented by Hayley and Paul on behalf of the Learning Design Sustainability Group (LDSG) at #ALTC23 in Warwick is available by scanning the QR code (below) from one of the opening slides from our workshop presentation.A QR code that can be scanned to see a copy of the slides.

We delivered a 60-minute workshop designed in part to provide an update about the journey that the LDSG has taken so far and also to challenge delegates to consider how they could take meaningful practical steps to embed sustainability within their own specific design contexts. Continue reading “Reflections on ALT conference 2023: Supporting colleagues to take practical actions to embed sustainability”

Learning from practice: refreshing the OU activity types framework

The activity types framework – a categorisation of learning material into different types based on the student activity involved – is one of our core learning design tools. It shows, simply and accessibly, the variety of ways in which module teams can actively engage students with their subject content and skills development alongside reading, watching or listening. Continue reading “Learning from practice: refreshing the OU activity types framework”

Sharing our resources for designing online learning

Over the past few months of lockdown we’ve received a number of calls for advice from the sector and we’ve participated in a number of webinars as well as delivering workshops for various external clients.

As time has progressed we’ve aimed to make sure that as many of these resources as possible are shared and available through our blog. In this post, we will provide an outline of what’s available, all of which you can find on this blog from the resources link on the left hand side. Continue reading “Sharing our resources for designing online learning”