Category: Transcript

  • Tips for starting out in learning design

    We were asked: “Any advice for a new learner, just getting started in the world of LD?”  … so we crowd-sourced answers from the team. Here’s what they said:  Olivia said:  Find as many opportunities to learn as possible. I’d recommend listening to the Pedagodzilla podcast. Clare said:  Get to know as wide a variety of your students as you […]

  • Ten ways to kick off a successful online meeting

    A positive start to your online group will help people feel welcome. It’s also reassuring for the facilitator to know that everyone’s ready and able to contribute. We’ve found that these simple tips can ensure everyone can play a part. Greet people as they join the meeting to help them feel welcome. Have a general […]

  • Skills development is most effective when…

    It is fully embedded in the teaching and learning of (inter)disciplinary content (reflects a contextual and epistemological view of skills) At the same time, it is perceived as meaningful and relevant to students’ current and future lives (transferable, flexible) Students are apprenticed into the conventions, techniques, styles and approaches of their field(s) of study (they […]

  • Supporting students in collaborative online activities

    Collaborative learning activities build students’ critical thinking skills and encourage them to reflect on their learning. However, students can struggle to engage with them if they don’t feel supported. Use these steps to build in support for students before, during and after online collaborative activities. The steps are based on a study by Zheng et […]