What you will study
This module is appropriate for anyone with an interest in the lives and learning of young children including current early childhood practitioners who want to develop their knowledge and understanding for professional roles linked to careers in education, health and social care.
The aim of this module is to help you develop an understanding of early childhood from a range of perspectives. The module is divided into three blocks of study:
Block 1: Starting with the child
In this block you develop your knowledge and understanding of children’s learning, development, emotional well-being, play and fundamental rights.
Block 2: Responding to the child
In this block you consider how we as adults can build learning relationships with children. How can we ensure they are listened to and involved? How can we observe, guide and plan to ensure that learning is a rich and meaningful experience for them? How can we create environments that encourage exploration and discovery and which can include all children?
Block 3: Making provision for early childhood
In this block you explore how policy and practice can have an impact on children’s experiences. You will think about how children’s learning experiences are supported by provision such as pre-schools, nurseries and child-minders as well as local and national policies.
This module aims to provide you with insights into many aspects of children’s learning experiences and how adults can support these. The module draws on examples and studies both from within and outside the UK, for example from Australia, Italy and Scandinavia. By using such a wide range of resources the intention is to broaden your perspective and extend your thinking beyond situations that may be more familiar.
During this module you will compare and contrast practice that you observe in early childhood settings with the ideas about working with children that you study. You will be encouraged to reflect on the practice and experiences that you see and how these might be adapted or changed. You will explore these different areas through studying the module materials, which include printed books, audio and video recordings and on-line activities.
Vocational relevance
The aim of the module is to enable students to develop as creative, imaginative and reflective learners as a foundation for employment and further academic study in the field of early childhood. In this qualification the key aim linked to employability and career progression is to prepare students to become skilled, flexible and reflective practitioners able to transfer skills to a range of professional contexts. Modules in this qualification will include specific learning outcomes to support the development of professional employability skills linked to careers in education, health and social care, and will include Personal Development Planning (PDP).
If you are a practitioner the learning journal that you compile during the module may contribute to a portfolio of evidence of learning together with: the module activities you complete; observations of practice; and your reflections on your role and provision.
This module is compulsory for students studying towards a Certificate of Higher Education or a BA (Honours) Early Childhood. These qualifications provide a foundation for entry to a range of careers working with and for young children and their families. They are also suitable for those wanting to move into careers in teaching, health or social work.
Please note that in Scotland this course does not lead to Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) registration in daycare of children’s services.