What you will study
This module is made up of five blocks, each designed to help you understand contemporary issues concerning mental health.
Block 1
The opening block aims to help you get started and provides information for you to refer back to throughout your studies. It is a short but important foundation. You'll explore the terminology that is used in contemporary mental health and will be introduced to concepts that underpin mental health and mental ill health, language which is used throughout this module. You'll also further develop study skills such as taking notes online and dealing with emotive content. Last you'll explore what is meant by lived experience, a perspective which underpins this module in which people have been willing to share their real-life experiences.
Block 2
This block will help you to understand the various models and perspectives that underpin mental health. You'll start with the social model and move into the medical model followed by an exploration of the psychological and spiritual. The block closes with an examination of models when integrated and will allow an opportunity to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. This block is slightly longer than block 1 and is a good basis for understanding different approaches to mental health.
Block 3
This block considers the challenges associated with mental health starting with a critique of the perspectives that you explored in block 2. You'll then go on to study challenges that can occur when mental health and physical health occur together building on the terminology and concepts you were introduced to in block 1. Challenges then continue when you consider what it is like to be old and young and how these different periods of a person’s life can impact on mental health. You'll conclude by focussing on challenges through doing, which means exploring areas such as caring and activism.
Block 4
In this block you'll move on to study mental health in terms of concepts and theories, which can be more abstract in their nature but are intended to build on the knowledge you have learned so far, and to consider the impact of them. Topics include poverty, race, gender and sexuality, technology, and global issues through the lens of a legal perspective. You'll be asked to consider what the future may mean for mental health.
Block 5
The final block aims to help you reflect upon the materials you have been studying throughout and to do so from the perspective of lived experience. The intention is for you to have the time to do so and then to prepare for the end-of-module assessment through which you'll be guided by the content.