What you will study
All of the materials for this module are delivered online via the module website.
Each of the six units studied covers different aspects of the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. You will have the opportunity to reflect on and expand your current knowledge and skills in oral and written Spanish and learn advanced grammar, lexical, pragmatical and discursive features of Spanish whilst exploring a range of topics.
The units in detail are:
Unit 1: Unidad y diversidad
Explore the history of Spanish, its dialects and the other languages spoken in the regions of the world where Spanish is an official language. In parallel, you'll reflect on the importance of diversity and multiculturalism as intrinsic elements to the existing cultures in the countries where Spanish is spoken. Reading a selection of poems and other literary texts from different historical periods will also help you appreciate the evolution of Spanish over time.
Unit 2: Ciencia y tecnología
In this unit, you learn about the work of scientists and scientific institutions in countries where Spanish is spoken, evaluate the impact of scientific advances on the Earth and the environment, see the universe through the Gran Telescopio Canarias, discover the formidable volcanoes of America and how technological innovations, including using artificial intelligence (AI), can help us to live in harmony with nature. You'll also cover the literary side of the sciences: science fiction.
Unit 3: Historia y política
Embark on expeditions that changed the course of history, such as the first circumnavigation of the world, and examine how, in some cases, the objectives and methods used in these voyages are interpreted differently if they are observed from a current perspective. Observe, through a variety of examples from the Spanish-speaking world, how the so-called 'fake news' are not new and have existed across history; you will reflect on how history is written and learn about why some important historical events remain untold. The intersection between history and literature is also explored.
Unit 4: Migración e identidad
Witness population movements and migratory processes that have affected the Spanish-speaking world, sometimes as a place of origin, in other cases as a place of reception for migrants, such as emigration of Mexicans to the United States, of sub-Saharans to Spain, of Central Americans to Mexico, and reflect on how these processes influence the identities of migrants based on the testimonies of some of them, including interviews and literary works.
Unit 5: Arte
Enjoy literature in Spanish and learn more about key authors and new literary expressions in Spanish that appear on social networks; delve into the plastic arts and admire the buildings of Madrid and some of the most famous works painted by artists from the Spanish-speaking world; listen to a selection of music and explore the cinema and theatre in Spanish; discuss the relationship between humour, art and society.
Unit 6: Economía y negocios
Be inspired by the ideas of several entrepreneurs who have managed to move their businesses forward, with effort and dedication; learn about the great commercial alliances of Latin America; browse around traditional shops in Madrid and Chile; discover how a Spanish company works from the inside and reflect on fair trade and ethical trade.
You will be working on text and audio-visual material through completing a wide range of online activities, which are designed to deepen your understanding of the module topics and develop your confidence in communicating in Spanish. Throughout the module you will progressively develop your academic skills, leading up to a small-scale project at the end. All materials are interactive and encourage your participation; they also allow you to evaluate your progress regularly and provide you with strategies to further develop your skills as an independent language learner. With your fellow students, you can engage jointly in forums and, in unit 4, you will take part in an interactive cross-languages discussion task.
This module is designed to enable you to achieve a level of language proficiency equivalent to level C1 of the Council of Europe Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.