What you will study
The module begins by discussing the requirements for entering into a valid contract and clarifying how the courts these, for example, whether an individual has the capacity to sign a contract. You'll see how contracts are agreed, how obligations are enforced, and how disputes are resolved. The module will introduce you to different sources of law and explain the role of contract law and the courts in determining where and when contractual obligations arise.
You'll learn key contractual concepts such as offer and acceptance, terms (the contents of contracts) and remedies (how to resolve problems with contracts) through a module narrative with characters that use contracts in everyday situations. The module will introduce the law relating to a range of contracts and their contents, such as misrepresentation, mistake, duress, and unfair terms. The module will also help you to familiarise yourself with recognising contracts and methods of resolving contractual problems.
The final part of the module offers you the opportunity to choose from an exploration of contemporary contract law, examining digital technologies and contracts, or international contract law, exploring international influences on contract law. This will allow you to engage with critical concepts of contract law and help develop the skills and appreciation needed for onward study.
Throughout the module, you'll be encouraged to engage with themes of law reform, technology, unfairness, inequality and rights through a range of multi-media sources, interactive activities and module materials. You'll also be given opportunities to develop key skills such as reading case law, reading and understanding information from different sources, and communication skills.
Vocational relevance
If you intend to study this module as part of the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and hope to enter the legal professions, you should read our Careers in Law information. There are different entry requirements into the legal professions in England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland. It is your responsibility to ensure you meet these requirements.