What you will study
The course is divided into 16 units, each covering language, culture, and reflection. Four of the 16 units (units 4, 8, 12 and 16) are dedicated to revising what you have learned. In this course, you'll learn how to effectively communicate in a wide range of situations using a variety of language structures, including:
- asking and telling the time
- talking about time in relation to everyday situations and habits
- discussing timetables and schedules for shops and other facilities
- explaining how long it takes to go somewhere
- expressing time and other measurements approximately
- giving more detailed directions
- describing health issues and seeing a doctor
- giving advice
- talking about the present and the future
- expressing a change in terms of state or condition
- comparing situations in the past and the present
- talking about changing money, exchange rates and currencies.
Throughout the course, you will improve your ability to understand spoken and written Chinese and to communicate your own information and ideas. You will acquire a knowledge of the basic structures of Chinese, along with key vocabulary and sentence patterns. Each unit comprises 3–4 hours of interactive activities, exercises, explanations, and tips about language learning. It’s a good idea to keep notes either in a notebook or on your preferred digital device. There are regular revision units and at the end of each unit, there is a quiz for you to practise what you’ve been learning.
We look forward to seeing you soon on Elementary Chinese 1: 入门了 rùmén le!
Please note that although this course is non-accredited, it can be used towards the module Making your learning count (YXM130) to gain OU credits.
You will learn
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- communicate with speakers of Chinese in a limited range of predictable and simple contexts relating to everyday situations
- understand and use simple Chinese grammatical structures (for example, questions and statements), and common terms for everyday objects and events
- recognise and use basic Chinese phrases in formal and informal styles of communication and use polite forms of address and greetings
- write in Pinyin or/and character forms frequently used expressions relevant to the topics covered
- show basic intercultural communicative competence, including an awareness of Chinese-speaking cultures and societies.
The course is designed to help you achieve a level of language proficiency equivalent to level A1 of the Council of Europe Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
Learner support
You will have access to discussion forums that you are strongly encouraged to participate in as these forums combine self-help from fellow students with input from a language-specialist learning adviser. Other support is available via the StudentHome website and Computing Helpdesk.
If you have a disability
The course is delivered online and makes use of a variety of online resources. If you use specialist hardware or software to assist you in using a computer or the internet you are advised to contact us about support which can be given to meet your needs.
The OU strives to make all aspects of study accessible to everyone and this Accessibility Statement outlines what studying LGXC004 involves. You should use this information to inform your study preparations and any discussions with us about how we can meet your needs.