Letter from Anne Isabella Noel Byron to Sampson Lowe


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Page 1

line 1: 11 St George's Terrace
line 2: Regents Park NW
line 3: January 3rd
line 4: 1860
line 5:
line 6: Lady Noel Byron presents
line 7: her compliments to Mr Sampson
line 8: Lowe and requests his attention
line 9: to the enclosed extract from
line 10: a letter of Mrs Follen's, who
line 11: is an intimate friend of
line 12: Mrs Stowe's & in whose writings
line 13: Lady N Byron takes a great
line 14: interest from their excellent
line 15: objects, particularly with
line 16: reference to the young.
line 17: The shilling left unpaid
line 18: is enclosed.

Page 2

line 1: And you have the extracts from
line 2: Mrs Follen's letter to which this
line 3: alludes
line 4:
line 5: Not seen this before or
line 6: The preface it refers to.
line 7: SampsonLow Junior