Letter from Catharine Beecher to Mr Sampson Low


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line 1: Andover July 29/1856
line 2:
line 3: To Mr Sampson Low
line 4: I send by my sister some
line 5: of the finest proofs of a work which I
line 6: hope to be able to complete by the
line 7: last of October.
line 8: I enclose the preface which gives an
line 9: outline of the plan. It is a work that
line 10: I have been maturing for more than
line 11: twenty years & with unusual advanta
line 12: ges.
line 13:
line 14: I am now desirous (of course) of
line 15: having it known & read as extensively
line 16: as possible. It has occurred to me
line 17: that if you deemed it such a work as
line 18: it appear to be to the author & to
line 19: some of her friends, you will wish
line 20: to publish it, and that placing the title
line 21: page & this preface at the close of my
line 22: sister’s work would would receive
line 23: wider attention than any other method

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line 1: Mr & Mrs Stuart will further
line 2: consult you on the subject.
line 3: Will you inform me what is
line 4: your opinion on this matter as
line 5: early as may be practicable
line 6: directing care of John Hooker
line 7: Esq Hartford, Connecticut.
line 8: Very respectfully
line 9: Catherine E. Beecher

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