Letter from Thomas Binney to S Low Esq


1 2 3 4

Page 1

line 1: January 24 1860
line 2: My dear Sir
line 3: I am much obliged
line 4: by your note of last
line 5: week. Adam Black
line 6: of Edinburgh, Richard
line 7: Bentley, you, and others
line 8: of London, have made
line 9: me the same offer.
line 10: I am really very

Page 2

line 1: much surprised as
line 2: well as flattered!
line 3: I wish I had kept
line 4: 4 good journals, for
line 5: I might then really
line 6: have made a book,
line 7: for which, out of you
line 8: Dons of Publishers
line 9: I might have got
line 10: something handsome!
line 11: - Alas! I never

Page 3

line 1: thought of writing a
line 2: book on Australia!
line 3: - I published one there
line 4: on Church questions
line 5: which arose, - & I
line 6: had thought of re-
line 7: publishing that here,
line 8: but, thoough I agreed
line 9: with a denomina
line 10: tional publisher
line 11: for it (as it was

Page 4

line 1: most suited to such
line 2: an one) it has been
line 3: standing still for
line 4: two months, from
line 5: my utter inability
line 6: to write an English
line 7: preface for it - & I
line 8: don’t know that it
line 9: will ever see the light.
line 10: I am quite worn out
line 11: with correspondence & other
line 12: calls on my time
line 13: Yours my obedient?
line 14: Servant Truly
line 15: T Binney
line 16: S.Low Esq