Letter from R. D. Blackmore to Sampson Low Esq Snr


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line 1: P.S I have penned in one or two additions,
line 2: sent me by a friend.
line 3:
line 4: Teddington Aug 20th 1869
line 5: My dear Sir
line 6:
line 7: I thank you truly for
line 8: your kind letter, & am greatly pleased
line 9: to find that Mrs Low & yourself
line 10: like "Lorna Doone". The review in the
line 11: Spectator is most kind & cheering; &
line 12: I have written to thank the Editor.
line 13: I spared no time or trouble to make
line 14: the book as good as I could manage, & I
line 15: always thought myself lucky in the

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line 1: groundwork, & locality. If it fails altogether
line 2: - persevering as I try to be - little heart
line 3: would remain to me for attempting any other.
line 4: However it is warm comfort to me to
line 5: receive approval from those who have
line 6: such opportunity, as you must have, of
line 7: judging; & that comfort is all the
line 8: better for being mixed with gratitude.
line 9: By this post I return the extracts, &
line 10: the paper sent so kindly,
line 11: & remain, dear Sir,
line 12: Very sincerely yours
line 13: R. D. Blackmore
line 14:
line 15: Sampson Low Esquire Sr.

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