Letter from Hablot Knight Browne to


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Page 1

line 1: 2 Horbury Crescent
line 2: May 10
line 3:
line 4: Dear Sir
line 5: I enclose coloured
line 6: Proofs of Dame Perkins. which
line 7: I was just about to post
line 8: when your note arrived.
line 9: "Historical inaccuracies"
line 10: No.1 The Hunting Croft
line 11: can be easily made into
line 12: a stick – if that be
line 13: really of any importance.
line 14: 2 – The Rein –
line 15: can be broken – if

Page 2

line 1: it does not look sufficiently
line 2: so already –
line 3: 3 Broken girths –
line 4: I purposely omitted – it
line 5: may do to help the verse
line 6: but as a Hunting man I
line 7: could not perpetrate
line 8: such an absurdity – she
line 9: could not ride ten yards
line 10: with broken girths. –
line 11: There is one shown broken in
line 12: the last plate. –
line 13: 4. The Gate –
line 14: I fear I have forgotten

Page 3

line 1: to etch the drop bar –
line 2: which also can be easily
line 3: done – making it look
line 4: more like a Toll-bar –
line 5: a rustic looking – bye-roady
line 6: one common enough in
line 7: country parts – a metropolitan
line 8: looking pike would not do
line 9: at all at all for pictorial papers.
line 10: 5. Her seat is her ??
line 11: reins at the Gate – "not
line 12: clinging to neck" so –
line 13: to alter this would take
line 14: the "go" out of it – I sketched
line 15: it in at first – besides

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line 1: she would be jerked up as
line 2: the horse rose – and in
line 3: descending – if clinging to
line 4: neck as described – she
line 5: must be pitched on her
line 6: head – she could
line 7: not hold on. –
line 8: Yours very truly
line 9: HK Browne
line 10: It strikes me that these alterations
line 11: could be made easily
line 12: and rapidly in the store
line 13: - if so – I would go to Mr Brooks
line 14: and do them. –