Letter from Paul du Chaillu to Messrs Sampson Low Son & Co


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Page 1

line 1: February 16th 1861
line 2:
line 3: Gentlemen
line 4: Yours of the 12
line 5: Instance of the current month was only received
line 6: last evening. In answer
line 7: I will say that having
line 8: had several applications
line 9: for the sight of my
line 10: manuscript by different
line 11: publishers, I could not
line 12: possibly lent it. So

Page 2

line 1: I simply state to you as
line 2: I have done to them, that
line 3: the 25th instance of the current month (Monday)
line 4: I will deliver a lecture
line 5: before the Royal Geogra-
line 6: phical Society and from
line 7: that lecture you and them
line 8: will be able be judge of
line 9: the merit of my explorations
line 10: and of the interest my
line 11: forthcoming work may
line 12: attract. Until then

Page 3

line 1: I cannot take into
line 2: consideration any proposal
line 3: made to me in relation
line 4: to that work, but will
line 5: most cheerfully after
line 6: that lecture take in
line 7: serious consideration any
line 8: offer you may chose
line 9: to make to me
line 10: I am yours
line 11: P B Du Chaillu
line 12: Messrs Sampson Low, Son & Co
line 13: London