Letter from George Cruickshank to Messrs Low & Sons


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Page 1

line 1: 48 Mornington Place
line 2: Nov 29 1854
line 3: Gentlemen
line 4: Can either of you
line 5: Gentlemen call upon
line 6: me this evening to
line 7: talk the matter over?
line 8: For I regret to say
line 9: that the author's outline
line 10: of the whole story does
line 11: not after all – furnish
line 12: me with – necessary
line 13: material for illustrations
line 14: It is scenes most

Page 2

line 1: that the content requires
line 2: and as far as I can
line 3: see the tale does not
line 4: furnish these except
line 5: indeed those which
line 6: you wish to be avoided
line 7: I am Gentlemen
line 8: Yours very truly
line 9: George Cruickshank
line 10: Messrs Low & Sons

Page 3

line 1: I have a suggestion
line 2: to submit to the author
line 3: which I will communicate
line 4: when I have the
line 5: pleasure of seeing
line 6: you