Letter from Arthur Hugh Clough to Messrs Sampson Low Son & Co


1 2 3

Page 1

line 1: Downing St
line 2: 8th July 1859
line 3: Gentlemen
line 4: I am decided by
line 5: Mr Lowe to acknow-
line 6: ledge your letter
line 7: of the 2nd instance of the current month. Mr
line 8: Lowe directs me to
line 9: say that appointments
line 10: to Inspectorships are
line 11: made by the
line 12: President of the Council.

Page 2

line 1: Mr Robert Black's
line 2: name is on the
line 3: list of gentlemen
line 4: making the appointment
line 5: and whenever
line 6: a vacancy occurs
line 7: his claims will be
line 8: considered with
line 9: those of others

Page 3

line 1: I have the honour
line 2: to be
line 3: Gentlemen
line 4: Your obedient Servant
line 5: A. H. Clough
line 6: Messrs Sampson Low
line 7: Son & Co
line 8: 47 Ludgate Hill