Letter from Charles Allston Collins


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line 1: 2 Clarence Terrace: Regents Park
line 2: May 15 1860
line 3:
line 4: Dear Sir
line 5:
line 6: I avail myself of my brother's
line 7: introduction to propose to you the Publication
line 8: in a collected form of the eye-witness papers
line 9: which have appeared at pretty regular intervals
line 10: in the pages of "All the Year Round" – and of
line 11: which I am the author.
line 12: There are now enough of these papers to
line 13: make a tolerably thick volume and I have
line 14: no doubt that Mr Dickens would allow of
line 15: this being brought out – or at any rate of
line 16: the appearance of a first series of items – at
line 17: a very early day. I should

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line 1: prefer the appearing of the volume under some
line 2: such title as this: The Eye-Witness – his evidence
line 3: on all sorts of subjects from a Handel Festival
line 4: to a Friendly Lead, and from an Election enquiry
line 5: to a Cattle show" –
line 6: I should feel obliged by your favouring me
line 7: with an answer on this subject as soon as maybe
line 8: convenient to you, and remain
line 9: Yours truly
line 10: Charles Allston Collins

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