Letter from William Hepworth Dixon to Sampson Low


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line 1: Athenaeum Office
line 2: 20 Wellington Street, Strand, W.C.
line 3: Oct. 21 1862
line 4:
line 5: Dear Mr Low
line 6: Some months ago, if I
line 7: remember well, you expressed some
line 8: wish to have the refusal of reprinting
line 9: for the American market, Lady
line 10: Morgan's Memoirs. If you are still
line 11: of that mind, and there is now
line 12: my American market for English
line 13: books, you will perhaps drop

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line 1: me a line. Her book will be in
line 2: 2 volumes of 500 pages each. It is very
line 3: light & amusing – containing letters
line 4: & anecdotes of everybody for 50 years,
line 5: Among others, many of Madame
line 6: Patterson Bonaparte, Jerome's American
line 7: wife; also much that is new and
line 8: extraordinary about Byron & Lady Caroline
line 9: Lamb.
line 10: Yours very truly
line 11: W. Hepworth Dixon

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