Letter from Thomas Dealtry to Sampson Low Jnr


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line 1: 54 Doughty Street.
line 2: May 3. 1849
line 3:
line 4: My Dear Sir
line 5: It is with much regret that
line 6: I am under the necessity of returning
line 7: the resolution you wished me to take
line 8: charge of, at the approaching anniversary
line 9: of your very excellent and valuable
line 10: Society for the protection of life from fire.
line 11: If any thing beyond the privilege
line 12: of supporting an institution that ought
line 13: to meet with ?? warmest attachments
line 14: from every Christian in this great
line 15: metropolis, had been needful to induce
line 16: me to have taken part in so good
line 17: a work, it would have been afforded
line 18: in the kind manner in which you
line 19: have conveyed the wishes of the Committee
line 20: But I am engaged to go to

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line 1: Cheam on Monday the 14th to attend
line 2: the anniversary of the ?? Society at
line 3: that place.
line 4: I shall however have much
line 5: pleasure in taking my turn with the
line 6: neighbouring Clergy in giving an address
line 7: on the Friday afternoon to the Fire Escape
line 8: men. If you will have the goodness to
line 9: inform me when my turn may arrive
line 10: & the place where to meet you & I will
line 11: take care to be in attendance.
line 12: I am very thankful to hear
line 13: That your health has so much improved.
line 14: May it be entirely restored.
line 15: Yours very sincerely
line 16: T Dealtry
line 17:
line 18: To S. Lowe Esqu. Junior.

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