Letter from Gustave Doré


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Page 1

line 1: Lundi 29 octobre 1866
line 2:
line 3: Written in another handwe have agreed to
line 4: this. If in 2 or 3
line 5: weeks
line 6:
line 7: Messieurs
line 8:
line 9: J'ai commis l'oublie de ne
line 10: pas vous remercier immédiatement
line 11: de la traite que vous avez
line 12: eu l'obligeance de m'adresser
line 13: sur la maison ?? et Sons
line 14: J'ai touché le montant.
line 15: Je vous prie donc de m'excuser
line 16: et d'agréer tous mes remerciements
line 17: pour les termes aimables
line 18: et flatteurs de votre lettre.
line 19: Je suis très heureux de vous
line 20: savoir complètement satisfait
line 21: et je suis toujours avec plaisir
line 22: à votre disposition.
line 23: Si vous auriez été disposé
line 24: à faire un pendent à la
line 25:
line 26: English translation
line 27: Monday 29 October 66
line 28: Dear Sirs
line 29: I have omitted to thank you immediately for the bill of exchange that you had the kindness to send to me through ?? and sons and I have cashed the sum. Please accept my apologies and accept all my thanks for the kind and flattering terms of your letter. I am very pleased to know you are completely satisfied and am happy to always be at your service. If you wished to make a matching picture

Page 2

line 1: planche représentant Gillatt
line 2: et le monstre il y aurait
line 3: une scène très saisissante
line 4: encore, c'est celle où Giliatt
line 5: combat la tempête et défend
line 6: son brise-lames contre les
line 7: flots en fureur. Il y a là
line 8: certainement un effet très
line 9: original à produire.
line 10: Si cette offre vous convenait,
line 11: Messieurs, je ferais en sorte
line 12: vous sachant pressés d'être
line 13: aussi rapide que possible
line 14: dans l'exécution de ce
line 15: tableau.
line 16: Veuillex agréer, Messieurs
line 17: l'expression de mes sentiments
line 18: distingués
line 19: G. Doré
line 20:
line 21: English translation
line 22: to the one representing Giliatt and the monster, there is another very gripping scene in which Gilliatt battles the storm and defends his break water against the fury of the waves. There is certainly a very original impression to produce here. Gentlemen, if this offer is agreeable to you, knowing you are short of time, I will make sure this piece is executed as quickly as possible. Please accept, gentlemen, the expression of my distinguished sentiments.
line 23: G. Doré

Page 3

line 1: page 3 is in another hand – it is a partial English translation
line 2:
line 3: I shall be always with pleasure
line 4: at your service -
line 5: If you are disposed to make a
line 6: pendant to the picture presenting
line 7: Gilliat and the monstre monster there
line 8: is still a scene very attractive.
line 9: It is that in which
line 10: Gilliat combats the
line 11: tempest and defends
line 12: his breakwater against
line 13: the fury of the waves.
line 14: That is certainly a very
line 15: original effect to produce
line 16: If this offer is convenient
line 17: to you I shall be ready
line 18: knowing that you are
line 19: pressed – to be as rapid.