Letter from William Everett to Sampson Low


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Page 1

line 1: Trinity College
line 2: Friday June 1
line 3: 1860
line 4:
line 5: Mr Low,
line 6: I received through you
line 7: the other day some books from
line 8: my father – I wish to send
line 9: some back, and find there is
line 10: no book post to America, and
line 11: should be obliged if you would
line 12: transmit for me the books
line 13: which Mr Macmillan will
line 14: send you addressed to two friends
line 15: in & near Boston
line 16: With great respect
line 17: Yours
line 18: William Everett

Page 2

line 1: Sampson Low Esq
line 2: London