Letter from William Gilly



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line 1: My dear Sir
line 2: I will do my best for your Beautiful Iris as soon
line 3: as I can. It shall be a Tale of the Waldenses, but I am desirous
line 4: that my name should not appear, so pray do not let my secret
line 5: escape. I have reason for thinking that an anonymous
line 6: offering in the cause of the Vaudois may be of more service, than one with
line 7: my seal upon it. Only let me know your latest period
line 8: for the admission of my ManuScript.
line 9: With every kind wish for your own prosperity and that of your
line 10: Literary Productions, I remain, my dear Sir. Most truly yours
line 11: W.S. Gilly
line 12: Durham. April 29. 1830.