Letter from Elizabeth Gaskell


1 2 3

Page 1

line 1: 42 Plymouth Grove
line 2: Tuesday, October 2nd
line 3: 1859
line 4:
line 5: My dear Sir,
line 6: Many thanks
line 7: for the check for 50£
line 8: quite safely received last
line 9: night. (Should I send
line 10: you a stamped receipt?)
line 11: I am so overwhelmed

Page 2

line 1: with visitors, that I have
line 2: had no time to finish
line 3: the "Doom of
line 4: the Griffiths", which
line 5: being written upwards
line 6: of 12 years ago required
line 7: some alterations. I
line 8: will indeed send it as
line 9: soon as possible.

Page 3

line 1: In greatest haste
line 2: Yours very truly
line 3: E Gaskell