Letter from John Hollingshead to Messrs Sampson Low & Co



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line 1: 11 Blandford Place
line 2: Regents Park, NW.
line 3: July 20th 1859
line 4: Gentlemen
line 5: Since writing to you I have almost decided
line 6: to alter the plan & title of the book (the re-pub-
line 7: lication from Household Words) – so much so
line 8: that it will be quite another thing.
line 9: I propose to call it "All Night upon the
line 10: Monument: a City Book" (a good title, I think)
line 11: - & I propose to introduce a kind of Asmodeum
line 12: machinery through which every paper will be
line 13: related. Each essay & tale will be so remoulded
line 14: & twisted as to fall naturally, to all appearance,
line 15: into this plan.
line 16: The paper called "All Night upon the Monument"
line 17: (a descriptive account of 17 hours passed there, Dec 31.
line 18: 1857 & January 1, 1858) will be broken up & its
line 19: patches of painting made to join the different
line 20: papers together. The divisions of the 17 hours will also
line 21: aid in this –
line 22: Awaiting your reply
line 23: I am gentlemen
line 24: Yours Truly
line 25: J. Hollingshead
line 26: Mess Sampson Low & Co