Letter from Felicia Hemans to Louis Theodore Ventouillac


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Page 1

line 1: Sir
line 2: I very much regret that
line 3: I should find myself
line 4: unable to comply with your
line 5: request, as I had hoped to
line 6: have done, but my health
line 7: and other causes have obliged
line 8: me not only to decline
line 9: forming new engagements, but
line 10: to give up several

Page 2

line 1: into which I had previously
line 2: entered. I hope to be
line 3: more fortunate next year,
line 4: should your work be
line 5: continued, as I think it
line 6: will be. With my
line 7: best compliments to Mr
line 8: Dale, I am Sir
line 9: Your obliged Servant
line 10: Felicia Hemans
line 11:
line 12: Wavertree
line 13: June 24

Page 3

Page 4

line 1: ....
line 2:
Charing Cross
line 3: L. T. Ventouillac
line 4: Cumming Street
line 5: Pentonville