Letter from Thomas Kibble Hervey to Rev Thomas Dale


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Page 1

line 1: Page 1 is missing my cold preventing my being generally
line 2: seen for a day or two.
line 3: I shall remain here for
line 4: a month or 6 weeks longer even after that all letters
line 5: addressed here will at all times
line 6: reach me. I shall be happy to
line 7: see or hear from you here.
line 8: I have to apologise for
line 9: the mistake of the servant, who,
line 10: I found, did not pay the
line 11: postage of the letter which I sent
line 12: to you, the other evening.
line 13: Should Mr Low accommodate
line 14: me at this moment on this
line 15: occasion, I hope it may be in
line 16: my power, another year, to return
line 17: the kindness in some way connected
line 18: with his work.
line 19: I am, dear Sir
line 20: Sincerely yours
line 21: T. K. Henry
line 22: 58 Torrington Square
line 23: Tuesday 7th January. 1830

Page 2

line 1: Immediate
line 2: The Revd. Thos. Dale
line 3: &c &c
line 4: London University
line 5: T. K. H.