Letter from John Hubbard, 1st Baron Addington to Sampson Low Esq


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Page 1

line 1: Birchin Lane
line 2: 23 Oct 1862
line 3:
line 4: Dear Sir
line 5: I enclose a cheque
line 6: for the amount of my
line 7: account.
line 8: I interpret the Credit.
line 9: £5.18 as the consideration
line 10: for my article. I did
line 11: not expect any payment
line 12: for it but I cannot
line 13: resist the pleasing
line 14: novelty of receiving
line 15: something for the
line 16: efforts

Page 2

line 1: efforts of my pen
line 2: Yours faithfully
line 3: J G Hubbard
line 4:
line 5: S Low Esq

Page 3

line 1: