Letter from James Hamilton to Sampson Low


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line 1: 48 Euston Square. Oct 24.
line 2: 1856
line 3:
line 4: My dear Sir
line 5: Have a hasty
line 6: glance at the enclosed,
line 7: I believe it could be
line 8: well worth while to
line 9: reprint it. And I feel
line 10: much obliged by your
line 11: invitation to prefix my
line 12: name to & recommend
line 13: this to the English edition.
line 14: But I fear I cannot do
line 15: this. Having been often
line 16: asked to preface both

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line 1: foreign books & home-
line 2: made ones, I have
line 3: been obliged for some
line 4: years to adhere to a
line 5: resolution to preface
line 6: none & in consistency
line 7: I must adhere to it
line 8: in the present situation
line 9: My own impression
line 10: is that the book will
line 11: soon make itself known.
line 12: I remain, dear Sir,
line 13: Yours very truly
line 14: J. Hamilton
line 15:
line 16: S. Low Esq.

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