Letter from Thomas Chandler Haliburton


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line 1: Halifax N. S. 18th July
line 2: text obscured under glued page
line 3: the same day I arrived at Halifax from England
line 4: and only now got this far back – your two letters
line 5: were forwarded to me on ?? – I have ascer
line 6: tained that the book you refer to as about
line 7: being published under the Title of "Sam Slick
line 8: in search of a wife" is no other than "The Wise Saws"
line 9: The alteration in the title is one of those frauds
line 10: constantly practised in the States, in order to
line 11: make works already published appear like
line 12: new ones.
line 13: I am very glad to hear you
line 14: are likely to get the copyrights, pray come
line 15: to me as soon as you do.
line 16: I authorise you as my past publishers
line 17: to

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line 1: contract my ever having written a
line 2: book under that title, and as you
line 3: know part protect yourself from Piracy
line 4: In great haste
line 5: Yours always
line 6: T C Haliburton
line 7: D ?? Esq
line 8: I observe that "Sam Slick in search of a Wife"
line 9: is advertised in Illustrated news, will you
line 10: address a short note to Editor, contradicting
line 11: it and ask them to insert it – T. C. H.