Letter from Sir Robert Inglis, 2nd Baronet to Sampson Low


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line 1: Sir Robert Inglis presents
line 2: his compliments to Mr Sampson Low;
line 3: and in answer to his letter of this
line 4: day's date asking for some information
line 5: about a "Society for the relief of
line 6: Incurables" regrets to be unable to
line 7: supply it. He presumes that the
line 8: application was made to him inasmuch
line 9: as a request to such a Society is included
line 10: in a list of benefactions said to have

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line 1: been suggested by him to a Lady
line 2: now deceased as worthy of her
line 3: attention; but this is not the case
line 4: in respect to the object now in question.
line 5:
line 6: 7 Bedford Terrace
line 7: 14 Jan 1850

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