Letter from Marian James


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line 1: Gothic Cottage
line 2: North End Hampstead
line 3: Friday morning
line 4:
line 5: Dear Sir
line 6: The enclosed is to appear
line 7: in The Eclectic for March –
line 8: will you forward it to Messrs
line 9: Harper, & kindly let me
line 10: know the result?
line 11: Will you also tell me
line 12: at what time, and on what
line 13: terms, books, music etc. are
line 14: forwarded to America for the
line 15: "periodical sales"? I ask because
line 16: I have about a hundred copies

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line 1: of a song, to words by the
line 2: Revd. Charles Kingsley which
line 3: it has occurred to friends
line 4: of mine, might meet with
line 5: a sale in America –
line 6: Perhaps you would favour
line 7: me with a suggestion on
line 8: this subject
line 9: Believe me
line 10: Very truly yours
line 11: Marian James

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