Letter from Anna Cummings Johnson


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Page 1

line 1: I have attended to the
line 2: names. The word Schwyz
line 3: is the Swiss & English
line 4: way of spelling the word
line 5: and as I have adopted it
line 6: at the head of the Chap
line 7: ter it better be retained
line 8: but the German way,
line 9: is Schwartz, and being
line 10: now familiar with
line 11: this I forget, let it
line 12: always be Schwyz.

Page 2

line 1: I do not see the use
line 2: of the proofs going to
line 3: the critic, he neglects
line 4: what he should do
line 5: and does what he
line 6: should not. There is
line 7: not a person of sense in
line 8: England that would not
line 9: despise me for affect
line 10: ting to be anything in
line 11: principle but an Amer-
line 12: ican. I should be
line 13: ashamed to appear any

Page 3

line 1: thing else if I were.
line 2: There is nothing new in the
line 3: book that the majority of
line 4: English do not also think
line 5: as far as opinion is con-
line 6: cerned, there are six per-
line 7: sons in this house who
line 8: belong to the nobility, and
line 9: I have appealed to every
line 10: one if I should gain any
line 11: thing in their eyes by flat-
line 12: tering even English aris-
line 13: tocracy. They are quite
line 14: as Jacobitical as I am,
line 15: at any rate it is not with
line 16: which to make a great

Page 4

line 1: expense in corrections to
line 2: appear a timid and fawning
line 3: sychophant. Mrs Stowe cost
line 4: the respect of America & Eng-
line 5: land both in this way &c &c
line 6: I wish the book was out.
line 7: It contains exactly the
line 8: information any lady is ask-
line 9: ing for. There was a long
line 10: Letter in the "Times" yes-
line 11: terday, showing the superior-
line 12: ity of Swiss Military – just
line 13: as I have shown it – nothing
line 14: in Switzerland is rightly
line 15: understood.
line 16: Yours truly
line 17: Anna C Johnson