Letter from Baron Knesebeck to Sampson Low


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Page 1

line 1: Cambridge Cottage
line 2: Kew, May 8th 1849
line 3:
line 4: Baron Knesebeck is
line 5: Commanded by H. R. H. The
line 6: Duke of Cambridge to acknowledge
line 7: the receipt of Mr Sampson Low's
line 8: letters of the 2nd instance of the current month. and in
line 9: answer to it – to request that
line 10: Mr Sampson Low will express
line 11: to the Gentlemen forming the
line 12: Committee for conducting the
line 13: business of the Anniversary

Page 2

line 1: of the "Society
line 2: for the Protection of Life from
line 3: Fire" how much H.R.H. regrets
line 4: that the present state of his
line 5: health will not allow him to
line 6: have the pleasure of availing
line 7: himself of their kind invitation
line 8: for Monday the 14th instance of the current month.
line 9:
line 10: To
line 11: Sampson Low Esquire