Letter from Charles Knight to Sampson Low



Page 1

line 1: Answer to Mr S Low's Queries
line 2:
line 3: I have no edition of Shelley
line 4: earlier than 1840 pub by Moxon,
line 5: Mrs Shelley edited her husband's poems
line 6: in 1839 But 'Queen Mab' was printed
line 7: in 1812, and 'Alastor' earlier. That
line 8: most of the Moxon poems were collected, I
line 9: believe for the first time in Mrs Shelley's edition.
line 10: There can be no Copyright on Lambs'
line 11: Poetical Works which were published
line 12: by them in 1818, another Dedication
line 13: to Coleridge.
line 14:
line 15: C Knight
line 16: June 8 1866.