Letter from Charles Kingsley


1 2 3 4

Page 1

line 1: January 23/1869
line 2:
line 3: Chersley Rectory
line 4: Winchfield
line 5:
line 6: Gentlemen
line 7: The world ought to
line 8: thank you for bringing
line 9: out, in your Gentle Life
line 10: Series, Sidney's Arcadia.
line 11: It would. be better still for the
line 12: world, if you would. bring out
line 13: in the same series, Lilly's
line 14: Euphues. I have been

Page 2

line 1: trying, for your part, to
line 2: make people understand
line 3: what a noble & useful
line 4: book it is – far superior
line 5: in my mind, to the Ar-
line 6: Cadia: but Walter
line 7: Scott's stupid anachron-
line 8: ism of Sir Piercie Shafton
line 9: is all they have chosen to
line 10: know about Lilly & his

Page 3

line 1: book.
line 2: If the work was bought
line 3: out, under the auspices
line 4: of the gentleman (a lady)
line 5: (I am writing ignorant
line 6: on that point) who did
line 7: us all the honour to write
line 8: "The Gentle Life" for our
line 9: benefit, I think the
line 10: world might be made
line 11: wiser -- & possibly the

Page 4

line 1: speculation might not
line 2: be a bad one: but of that I
line 3: am as judge.
line 4: I am, as always, Gentle
line 5: men
line 6: Ever yours faithfully
line 7: C Kingsley