Letter from William Henry Giles Kingston to Sampson Low


1 2 3 4

Page 1

line 1: Middlehill
line 2: 13th August / 1871
line 3:
line 4: Dear Mr Low
line 5: Many thanks for your
line 6: kind note & offer respecting my
line 7: ?? novel? which I accept in the
line 8: same spirit in which you make it.
line 9: Taking advantage of your hints
line 10: I will do my best & finish it well.
line 11: Our letters crossed & so I did
line 12: not reply to yours hoping to
line 13: receive another from you in answer
line 14: to mine. I have not

Page 2

line 1: yet received the ManuScript.
line 2: It will be better to review
line 3: it when you send it.
line 4: I am anxious however to have
line 5: your advice as to the
line 6: introduction of Lieutenant Dundewald?
line 7: Sometimes I think that I
line 8: will bring him in & at other
line 9: times I feel that he ought
line 10: to be made the leading

Page 3

line 1: character whenever he is
line 2: introduced.
line 3: I am afraid that I cannot hope
line 4: to pay you a visit at Brighton
line 5: as I have so much work of
line 6: various descriptions to do at home.
line 7: I trust however that I shall
line 8: see you soon
line 9: & Believe me
line 10: Very truly, yours
line 11: William H. G. Kingston

Page 4

line 1: written in another hand, presumably Sampson Low
Memorandum: this offer which was dated
line 2: July August 17 is to guarantee
line 3: the publication of the novel in 3
line 4: vols paying £100 when complete
line 5: on a/c of half profits – with the
line 6: option of purchasing the copy
line 7: right as originally proposed
line 8: for the £2???