Letter from Frederick Locker-Lampson to M---


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Page 1

line 1: Locker
line 2: Pall Mall
line 3: 20 July 1866
line 4:
line 5: Dear M????
line 6: I am gaining strength, & so
line 7: ought to be very satisfied, but I am
line 8: still troubled with old maladies, which
line 9: turn much that I should otherwise
line 10: ?? to full & better ?? I am
line 11: glad you write today as I leave
line 12: tomorrow for Chelat in Normandy.
line 13: I am glad you like your new
line 14: home
line 15: ????

Page 2

line 1:
line 2: selections but they are by way
line 3: of being complete, I daresay he will
line 4: choose Christmas, or about that
line 5: time, but perhaps, if times continue
line 6: very bad, he will wait.
line 7: With kind regards
line 8: Ever yours
line 9: FL