Letter from John Leech to Sampson Low


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line 1: March 2 1860
line 2: 32 Brunswick Square
line 3: W.C.
line 4: Sir
line 5: By some mistake
line 6: your note dated the
line 7: 24th of February has only
line 8: just been placed in
line 9: my hands. I am
line 10: going out of town this
line 11: evening but shall be
line 12: at home again on
line 13: Monday, and happy
line 14: to see you on the
line 15: subject of your note

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line 1: on that day, or almost
line 2: any day after, before
line 3: 3 'o'clock.
line 4: I am Sir
line 5: Your Obedient Servant
line 6: John Leech
line 7:
line 8: Sampson Low Esquire
line 9: &c &c.

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